Male Hormones & Optimization

Men begin losing testosterone at a rate of 3% to 10% per year beginning at age 30. Current medical research now defines a male equivalent to menopause as andropause. Low testosterone levels can lead to many symptoms that are classified as “normal age related conditions.” 


— Lack of Energy

— Decreased sex drive

— Erectile dysfunction

— Increased weight gain

— Decreased strength

— Lack of mental clarity

— Sleepless nights

— Irritability and mood swings


If you find yourself experiencing any of the above symptoms, then you may be a strong candidate for male hormone replacement. 


There are multiple types of testosterone replacement therapy offered at Infinity Medical Center, including:  

— Optimize your own testosterone production: Based on your labs, we may be able to work with your own system to increase its own production of testosterone through various avenues / medications.

— Testosterone cream: Individualized dosing of creams that are applied to the skin daily. Many various combinations of medications can be combined based on the needs of the individual. 

Testosterone injections. Testosterone is administered by injection into the muscle. Injections are usually 2x per week and often depend on your individual metabolism of the testosterone. Dosing is always based on the individual patient.

Testosterone Pellets. Bio-identical hormone pellet therapy: Multiple pellets are inserted into a layer of fat just under the skin. Pellets generally last 4-6 months before needing to be replaced. 

Optimal levels of testosterone important in proper treatment. Your plan of care will be individualized to YOU and YOUR needs. 

No two people are the same, why treat them that way?


Proper physical exam, medical history and monitoring of blood levels is important for maximization of therapy and safety. A simple blood draw will detect your individual hormone levels, and when appropriate, hormone balance and replacement can restore vitality to your life. Regain you life through hormone balance,  proper nutrition, clean eating habits and regular exercise.   

Your health and vitality are important to us. 

Infinity Medical Center

New Mexico’s home for hormone balance and vitality.

Regenerative Medicine


Men’s Sexual Wellness